Season 1 Finale: Guide to Universal Living: Birds Eye View of the entire 2024 Series
In this special season finale, Nadine Shaw—host of Life, Health & the Universe—and Laverne Proctor- co-host of Guide to Universal Living, take a bird’s-eye view of the entire season, revisiting the powerful insights and transformational tools that have shaped this journey. Let’s celebrate the wisdom gained, the breakthroughs experienced, and the path ahead as we evolve [...]
Elevate Your Home – Elevate Your Life! Transform Your Space into a Sanctuary of Peace & Renewal
Your home is more than just a place to live—it’s an energetic extension of you, absorbing and reflecting your emotions, thoughts, and experiences. Stagnant energy can accumulate without regular energetic cleansing, affecting your emotional and physical well-being. But with the proper practices, you can transform your home into a sanctuary of [...]
Animal Magic! Unlock divine guidance & Personal Transformation
This episode explores how to work with the Wisdom of the Animal Kingdom for Spiritual Guidance, Healing, & Transformation. Have you ever felt a deep, unspoken connection with animals—like they hold a wisdom beyond words? In this episode of Universal Living, we explore the profound spiritual insights, healing energy, and intuitive guidance [...]
Unlocking Spiritual Growth: The Transformative Power of Affirmations, Invocations & Mantras
This episode explores how to unlock the Healing Power of Words: Transform Your Energy & Elevate Your Spirit. Words are more than sounds—they carry vibrations that can heal, uplift, and transform your life. In this episode, we explore how intentional affirmations, invocations, and mantras can help you bridge the gap between [...]
Elevate Your Being Through Words & Sound: Unlock Your Power to Heal and Transform
This episode explores how to unlock the Power of Words & Sound: Transform Your Energy, Consciousness & Well-Being In this transformative episode of Universal Living, we uncover the profound influence that words and sound have on your energy, consciousness, and overall well-being. As humanity shifts into higher-dimensional living, the vibrational frequency of our thoughts, language, and soundscapes [...]
Children of the New Millennium: Nurturing the Creative Potential of Crystal Children
This episode explores the nature of Crystal Children: The Light-Bringers of a New Era. In this illuminating episode of Universal Living, we delve into the extraordinary world of Crystal Children—often called Children of the Light. These remarkable souls radiate pure, high-vibrational energy, bringing deep spiritual wisdom, profound compassion, and an innate connection to nature. [...]
Mastering Structural & Psychological Balance: Aligning with Earth’s Changes for Ascension
This podcast discusses how to align with Earth’s 5Dimensional Shift – Harmonizing Body, Mind & Spirit. The Earth has shifted into a 5th-dimensional frequency, and humanity is undergoing a profound transformation. This energetic upgrade invites us to recalibrate our bodies, minds, and spirits—aligning with a higher vibration that fosters deep healing, expanded consciousness, [...]
Weaving the Essence of Spirituality into Everyday Life
In today’s fast-paced world, where professional and personal demands often feel overwhelming, a quiet yet powerful spiritual awakening is unfolding. But spirituality in the 21st century doesn't have to be about religious affiliation or complex rituals—it can be about discovering simple, universal principles that bring balance, connection, and inner peace to our daily lives. What if spirituality wasn’t [...]
Transcending Emotional Barriers for a Journey of Self-Healing – Guided Meditation
Break Free from Emotional Cycles – A Guided Meditation for Deep Healing This transformative guided meditation is designed to complement Podcast 4: Transcending Emotional Barriers for a Journey of Self-Healing – Breaking Free of Emotional Cycles. Unresolved emotions—whether from childhood, past experiences, or even past lifetimes—can keep us stuck in repetitive patterns, [...]
Transcending Emotional Barriers for a Journey of Self-Healing -Breaking free from emotional cycles
This podcast is particularly great for the spiritual awakening- busy professional mum juggling life, family, and career, emotional resilience can often feel just out of reach. If you find yourself stuck in cycles of emotional overwhelm, repeating old patterns, or carrying wounds that seem impossible to heal, this episode of Universal Living is for you. [...]
How to Harness Dragon Power to Awaken the Magician Within – Procedure walk-through
Unleash the Power of the Dragon—A Guided Energy Activation This powerful audio guide walks you through the Dragon Power Procedure, the perfect companion to Podcast 3: How to Harness Dragon Power to Awaken the Magician Within. This transformative energy technique is simple yet profound—widely used in Transference Healing® by practitioners and teachers worldwide. Whether you're [...]
How to Harness Dragon Power to Awaken the Magician Within
In this episode of Universal Living, we unlock the mysteries of Dragon Power Technology—an ancient, energetic practice that enhances healing, protection, and spiritual empowerment. As we step into the powerful Year of the Dragon (2024), now is the perfect time to harness this transformative energy and awaken the Magician Within now and throughout this decade. [...]
Q&A with Laverne Proctor
What does Transference Healing® create for you during challenging times? Day to day, it stabilises my internal self and provides clarity, and I find I'm more focussed and less likely to feel scattered when a lot is going on around me. So this is useful. I see things with greater [...]
Spirituality in the 21st Century!
Whatever landscape you live in, your experiences, trials and tribulations, your belief system or religious lineage - if any – when you appreciate that true Spirituality is universal, beyond religion, politics and gender and principally teaches us forgiveness, hope, unconditional love and compassion on our journey of enlightenment, any barriers [...]
A Practical Path of Enlightenment
Transference Healing® supports all physiological, energetic and spiritual changes necessary for us to evolve into higher levels of consciousness, a medium through which enlightenment are not only attained but fully embodied. Transference Healing® is a practice for divine connection as well as healing and ascension. Our spiritual ascension for the [...]
Power Up Your Heart – The Key to Self-mastery!
In the book Beyond Doorways, author Alexis Cartwright describes our Heart chakra as the conductor of our body, supporting our soul, physical, emotional, mental and consciousness to evolve.Alexis teaches us that if we can heal our hearts, we have a key to healing our whole body. To do this, we have [...]
What I know about Transference Healing®
When people learn more about Transference Healing, they realise how comprehensive it is as a healing modality that may not be obvious when first discovered. When asked about what Transference Healing is and does, depending on who I am talking to will depend on what aspect of Transference Healing I [...]
A Mind That Is More Kind
Meditation is an essential ingredient in spiritual growth and providing food for the mind. Meditation is a 21st century buzzword found everywhere. So what makes this article different? First, a few words from the wise Swami Paramananda: "Even on the little things, the practice of Meditation helps [...]